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7 Interesting Online Classes for Learning and Fun

Kevin Winchester

When it comes to learning and upskilling, whether it is corporate learning or school-based academic learning, people are moving from conventional one-to-one training to online learning. According to a report by the Global News Wire, the massive open online course (MOOC) market could be worth $25.33 billion by 2025. Another research study reveals that 60% of internet users believe online courses better suit their lifestyle and schedules.

With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing the world to work from home, the online learning category gained even more traction. Within a few weeks of the global lockdown, instructors were forced to lock their gyms, kitchens, coaching institutes, and offices, and move their businesses online. Therefore, there’s no dearth of online learning opportunities on the internet right now,

If you’re ready to devote a few hours of your day to online learning, we’ve got some great suggestions.

7 Interesting Online Classes and Platforms You Shouldn’t Miss

Here are seven online learning opportunities recommended by hundreds of e-learning enthusiasts.

An Introduction to Computer Science by the Harvard University (edX)

This online course is free and suitable for beginners; however, you can add a HarvardX Verified Certification by paying $90. The course covers the following topics:

● How to think algorithmically

● How to solve problems efficiently

● Different programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, PHP

If you have some extra time on your calendar and are looking to enhance your computer-based skills, try this course.

Social Media (HubSpot Academy)

This 5-hour course provides you with all the information you need to create a compelling social media strategy. The course covers the following topics:

● How to draw new customers

● How to build loyalty using social media

● How to create engaging conversations around your brand

If you have social media on your learning checklist, you can take this course for free.

Astronomy - State of the Art (Udemy)

If you are intrigued by astronomical discoveries and want to get familiar with the recent astronomical findings, you can take this astronomy course for free. It covers everything from the Solar System to the infinite galaxies in the universe. You can learn what astronomers have to say about the mysteries of the universe such as the black holes. However, this free course does not offer a certificate.

Graphic Design Basics: Core Principles for Visual Design (SkillShare)

Have you been thinking of trying your hands at graphic design? Well, if you’re looking to learn from scratch, this course can help you a great deal. It’s free and covers the basic principles of graphic design. The lessons are a combination of learning and practice exercises. This course is only 35 minutes long, so it’s easy to squeeze into your schedule.

Salsa for Beginners: Mastering the Solo Moves (SkillShare)

We’ve added this course to our list for all the dance lovers out there. If you’re planning to add Salsa to your dance skills, this free course is all you need. It comprises six lessons that are easy to follow and learn. The course begins by breaking down the salsa rhythm and then moves to three basic Salsa steps — Basic, Salsa, and Mambo.

Communication Skills - Persuasion and Motivation (Alison)

If you’re looking to improve mastering the art of persuasion and motivation, this free course on Alison is a good choice. This course will help you understand the differences between persuasion and manipulation. It will also help you determine how to use communication to motivate the people around you.

An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Coursera)

Interested in learning how to code from scratch? Start with this two-part course. You don’t need to worry if you don’t have a computer background; the course will take care of that. Python is a high-level coding language that is easy to learn. The first part of the course covers the basic principles of Python and the second part uses what you’ve learned to create basic interactive applications.

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